The IWDB Companion site

Welcome to the IWDB companion site. We complement our Irish Wolfhound Pedigree database at This is a repository for help on the main site. It’s an educational resource on pedigrees. It’s a blog with things we find interesting. We aim to provide useful information for users and researchers alike.

The ringside tool

The show season is upon us. Did you know that works great on a mobile phone?
If you sit ringside and see a dog you like, just check it out in to see its breeding. Should the dog be missing, we would appreciate if very much if you notify us by email to (a snap of the catalog page is great) or just add it with the Add a litter-function when you’re back at a computer

The Research tool comes with it’s very own breed research tool. It will be developed further over the next few months to give you more tools to evaluate the state of the breed. The tool is designed to get relevant data for one or more countries in a certain timeframe.

Right now we are listing the number of litters born, average number of litters per year, average litter size, average and highest coefficient of inbreeding and the same for number of ancestors. All these data are plotted along a timeline so it’s easy to see how development has been. We are also listing origin of parents and the frequency of animals used in breeding.
The tool is available here:
Feel free to contact us if there’s tools you really need, but we don’t have available yet.