All Irish Wolfhound-lives matter. If you’ve ever had an Irish Wolfhound, we encourage you to add lifespan-info to The Irish Wolfhound database at
The database has pedigrees of around 160,000 Irish Wolfhounds. There’s lifespan-information on more than 6,000 of them. That number is rapidly increasing. This information allows new knowledge to be gained about diseases and longevity in Irish Wolfhounds. In addition, it helps breeders make informed choices when selecting breeding stock. We need your help in getting info about your deceased dog in the database. Lifespan info is shown on the pedigrees and there’s also a listing of average lifespan for each dog’s pedigree under the ancestors-pane.
How can I help?
By submitting lifespan-information to, information will be archived and published. The information will also be used to calculate longevity-info in the breed and in pedigrees. In order to get a complete picture, we need information on all dogs, not just those that have been bred from.
There are several ways you may submit info:
- Send us an email at or a message on Facebook. We need the dogs name, date of death and cause of death if available. If you don’t have the exact date, we will put in an approximated date if you remember how old it got.
- Look up the dog in If you are a registered user, you may add info with Correct/Append to this pedigree. If you’re not, feel free to use the button “Report a problem” to send us the information mentioned above.