Crufts is the oldest and biggest Hound-show on the planet. It started out as a Terrier-show in 1886, but became an All-breed show in 1891. 1892 saw the first entries of Irish Wolfhounds, and Irish Wolfhounds have participated ever since. This year, around 21,000 hounds from more than 200 breeds and 45 countries competes for one of the most prestigious awards in the dog world, Crufts Best In Show.  Among them were 139 Irish Wolfhounds, judged by Roger Tebbutt on Saturday march 9th.

Only once has an Irish Wolfhound become Best In Show at Crufts. That happened in 1960, when Florence Nagle’s Sulhamstead Merman won the award.

British show

As Crufts takes place in England, it has been dominated by UK bred-dogs. It wasn’t until 1997 that a foreign-bred dog won a CC. Shadow Of Kilmara was bred by Gary Janssens in Belgium and was owned by Dagmar Kenis Pordham in England.

Over the last 14 years, foreign hounds have started to dominate the Crufts-awards for Irish Wolfhounds, with 16 of the 28 last CCs being awarded to hounds bred outside of the UK. Around half of these were awarded to hounds bred in Italy.

There are numerous reasons why foreign hounds are doing better now than they used to do. Removal of quarantine regulations and easier travel over the years have obviously been important for them to actually compete. In order to enter at Crufts, the hound also needs to qualify. In continental Europe, qualification is done by being Best Dog, Best Bitch or winning the junior class at one or two qualifying shows in each country. In addition, international champions are automatically qualified for Crufts.

Sulhamstead record

The breed-history has seen 227 CCs being awarded to best male or best bitch at Crufts. Florence Nagle’s legendary Sulhamstead kennels has received 48 of those, starting in 1925, and the last CC awarded to a Sulhamstead-hound was awarded 51 years later in 1975.

Crufts winners

Below is a list of all 227 Irish Wolfhound Crufts CC-winners so far.

YearDog CCBitch CCBest of Breed
1892Dhulart (graham’s)Tara #83 (lindsay’s) 
1893Garryowen (1887)Tara #83 (lindsay’s) 
1894Navan (1891)Princess Oona (1892) 
1895Kincaid (1892)Princess Oona (1892) 
1896Flanagan (1894)Princess Oona (1892) 
1897Kincaid (1892)Pomona 
1898Dermot Astore (1896)Felixstowe Mavourneen 
1899 Felixstowe Mavourneen 
1900Dermot Astore (1896)Sportella (1897) 
1901Ballyhooley (1897)Daireen 
1902Marquis Of Donegal (1898)Sheila Of Kidnal 
1904CotswoldFelixstowe Emo Formerly Emo 
1905Gareth (1903)Felixstowe Dromore 
1906Gareth (1903)Cotswold Patricia 
1907CotswoldCotswold Patricia 
1908CotswoldCotswold Patricia 
1909Felixstowe KilronanHibernia 
1910Cotswold WatchDhudesa 
1911Felixstowe KilronanDhudesa 
1912Felixstowe KilronanChalfont Garetha 
1913Lindley HectorFelixstowe Kilrush 
1914Lindley HectorIvo Dinah 
1915Lindley HectorLindley Lupin 
1916Felixstowe ReganFelixstowe Clonakilty 
1917Felixstowe KilgerranLady Moll 
1921Felixstowe KilgerranFelixstowe Fianna Formerly Home Farm Ishla 
1922Felixstowe KilgerranFelixstowe Alana 
1923Torna Of Ifold Of ChillumFelixstowe Killcoo 
1924Felixstowe KilcullenFelixstowe Killcoo 
1925King Shane Of BrabynsSulhamstead Thelma 
1926King Shane Of BrabynsSulhamstead Thelma 
1927Felixstowe KilbarronSulhamstead Thelma 
1928Clagan Of ClonardMorag Of Clonard 
1929Lindley SinnerLady Of Raikeshill 
1930Chulainn Rajah HalcyonErin Of Ouborough 
1931Slane Of OuboroughRippingdon Rathcoolin 
1932Fion-mac-cumall Of BrabynsSulhamstead Kesta 
1933Farnoge Of OuboroughRippingdon Rathcoolin 
1934Fonab Of OuboroughRippingdon Rathgalleon 
1935Fethard Of OuboroughConna Of Ouborough 
1936Faithful GreyKilkea Of Ouborough 
1937Sulhamstead KrimRippingdon Wanda 
1938Killarney Of OuboroughMoia Of Ouborough 
1939Moran Of OuboroughMoia Of Ouborough 
1948Sulhamstead MontyOuborough Maureen Of Boroughbury 
1950Artel Ballykelly SandyBoroughbury Casino Of Spean 
1951Sulhamstead MajentaRegan Of Bradfield 
1952Sulhamstead MajentaMavourneen Of Bradfield 
1953Rippingdon RathgelertOuborough Tara Of Boroughbury 
1955Sulhamstead MannaSulhamstead FredaSulhamstead Freda
1956Rippingdon RathgelertSulhamstead FredaSulhamstead Freda
1957Sulhamstead FellusSulhamstead FredaSulhamstead Freda
1958Sulhamstead MannaSulhamstead FredaSulhamstead Manna
1959Sulhamstead MannaUrla Of ArraghglenSulhamstead Manna
1960Sulhamstead MermanUrla Of ArraghglenSulhamstead Merman
1961Rippingdon Brackenbury RhythmUrla Of ArraghglenUrla Of Arraghglen
1962Sulhamstead MermanCarol Of EaglescragSulhamstead Merman
1963Sulhamstead MermanMapleton MermaidSulhamstead Merman
1964Sulhamstead RomulusSulhamstead MariaSulhamstead Romulus
1965Sulhamstead MarvelSulhamstead MariaSulhamstead Marvel
1966Eaglescrag Clonroe Of NendrumSulhamstead MerleEaglescrag Clonroe Of Nendrum
1967Sulhamstead MatchDriella Of EaglescragSulhamstead Match
1968Eaglescrag Clonroe Of NendrumSulhamstead Morna Of EaglescragEaglescrag Clonroe Of Nendrum
1969Sulhamstead MatchBaldeagle Fiana Of EaglescragSulhamstead Match
1970Red Wully Of EaglescragConchessa Of EaglescragRed Wully Of Eaglescrag
1971Sulhamstead MatchConchessa Of EaglescragSulhamstead Match
1972Edgecroft SimonAelius ElfredaAelius Elfreda
1973Sulhamstead MajorSulhamstead ModenaSulhamstead Major
1974Sulhamstead MinstrelSulhamstead MicaSulhamstead Mica
1975Sulhamstead MinstrelAelius ElfredaAelius Elfreda
1976Outhwaite Am CuEaglescrag KeltEaglescrag Kelt
1977Eaglescrag TobySanctuary MonaSanctuary Mona
1978Outhwaite Am CuOuthwaite AtheneOuthwaite Am Cu
1979Carrokeel Coillte MerlinOuthwaite AtheneOuthwaite Athene
1980Carrokeel Coillte MerlinDrakesleat RoisinCarrokeel Coillte Merlin
1981Laird Of SolstrandFranshaw RhyllaghLaird Of Solstrand
1982Drakesleat KyakClonara LaksalaDrakesleat Kyak
1983Erindale Callan Of FinlorenBrabyns FionaErindale Callan Of Finloren
1984Kellybourne Pilot At BallalynBokra MysticBokra Mystic
1985Shalfleet EaglerockMarumac CrystalShalfleet Eaglerock
1986Shalfleet EaglerockBrabyns Cymbelle At OuthwaiteShalfleet Eaglerock
1987Clonara KlintDonaghmore’s Finola Caolan ColleenClonara Klint
1988Solstrand KasparClonara AscaraSolstrand Kaspar
1989Hydebeck Reginald SnuffsonSeplecur MistHydebeck Reginald Snuffson
1990Hydebeck HarmaneOuthwaite RainaOuthwaite Raina
1991Culvercroft Benjamin Of GulliaghOuthwaite RainaCulvercroft Benjamin Of Gulliagh
1992Jolanda Brora At CovenantBokra ChanceJolanda Brora At Covenant
1993Drakesleat OdytRebecca Rose Of SeplecurDrakesleat Odyt
1994Edelmar ZachBokra EtoileBokra Etoile
1995Ballalyn’s HimselfUella LexieBallalyn’s Himself
1996Conlan Of SufayreUella LexieConlan Of Sufayre
1997Shadow Of KilmaraHydebeck Darley AllyanderShadow Of Kilmara
1998Juxtalia Macmathuna Of KnocknareaBallalyn’s The Jazz SingerJuxtalia Macmathuna Of Knocknarea
1999Saringa’s Mr MicawberBlakeskerra AnastasiaSaringa’s Mr Micawber
2000Shanimarle Bay BrigandBokra Image Of CaredigShanimarle Bay Brigand
2001Ainsea The DiplomatCorniman Elkie Of ShalicoAinsea The Diplomat
2002Uella FlintEbony Empress Of NutstownUella Flint
2003Culkeeran SethAinsea FleurCulkeeran Seth
2004Gartlove GhleannkyleAmarach CliodhnaGartlove Ghleannkyle
2005Gartlove GalenkelsoDriftcot OrlandoGartlove Galenkelso
2006Conchobar EvilenchanterBokra SummerConchobar Evilenchanter
2007CerberoShanimarle ArtemisShanimarle Artemis
2008Conchobar Fancyfree To RavensbeechSade JynnxConchobar Fancyfree To Ravensbeech
2009Bokra Wallace To SadeCualainn Psyche CaredigCualainn Psyche Caredig
2010Hydebeck Currant TymeGulliagh CorrigHydebeck Currant Tyme
2011Aurelius Di Castello BergeCaredig DelilahAurelius Di Castello Berge
2012Skibberdeen’s RudolphRivenhound Imperial Cream To HydebeckRivenhound Imperial Cream To Hydebeck
2013Pitlochry’s O’Bryan OrakMascotts Another Dreamer At CahmegaMascotts Another Dreamer At Cahmega
2014Justintime Of First AvenueHalleluiah Della Bassa PaveseJustintime Of First Avenue
2015Always My Bryan Roan InishRavenbeech ValeriaAlways My Bryan Roan Inish
2016Bokra Anarchy To SadeFemke’s Footsteps CoffeyBokra Anarchy To Sade
2017Donnerhall Della Bassa PaveseHalleluiah Della Bassa PaveseDonnerhall Della Bassa Pavese
2018Cormacs TariqMiranda Della Bassa PaveseMiranda Della Bassa Pavese
2019Pendragon Della Bassa PaveseBallyphelan Anna LisaPendragon Della Bassa Pavese
2020Sade Paris Noblesse de la Mascotte Couronnee Sade Paris
2022Sade ParisSarabi Della Bassa PaveseSade Paris

Sources for CC-winners: Crufts annotated catalogues, A. du Quoy’s “The Irish Wolfhound in competition” and Fosse Data.