Private notes and annotations is a new feature of It’s main use is for annotating pedigrees with information that may not be public or doesn’t fit in the framework.
What kind of info fits?
Different people will use private notes for different things. It all comes down to what’s important for you. Here’s some ideas as to what info might fit you:
- Show results
- Your own impression of the dog
- Temperament
- Known diseases and treatments
- Confidential information like age and cause of death if not known in iwdb
- Veteran-status
- Semen-storage
The list could be made much longer, but we do hope you get the idea.
How is the information protected?
We take your privacy very seriously and acknowledge that private information is just that: Private information. To ensure that, all information you enter is encrypted with a special key that itself is also encrypted. Without the original key, information is gibberish. We are using state of the art encryption techniques, which means the information is safe from most intruders. Security is always a compromise between practicality and security however, and no information entered online is completely safe.
How do I add and edit info?
To use this feature you have to be logged in as a registered user of If you are, adding and editing info is easy through the small text labeled Add Private info underneath each dog’s listing. Click it, and an inline editing window will show up. When you’re done, just click save. You are free to use formatting and HTML in these listings.
If you’re not a registered user, we suggest you become one. It’s free and easy. Just click the button Register/Login, choose register and enter details. You will receive a confirmation-mail which asks you to confirm. Once done, you are logged in and may start using private notes